Motril beaches gear up for Easter tourism surge with preparatory tasks underway


Motril’s beach preparation tasks for Easter have commenced, with various municipal departments already smoothing, clearing, installing walkways, and opening modules.

Motril’s City Council is gearing up for this year’s tourist season, ensuring all beaches are in optimal condition for the arrival of Easter tourists, a significant tourism period for Motril. Mayor Luisa García Chamorro, along with Deputy Mayor for Tourism Promotion María Ángeles Escámez, and Deputy Mayor for Beaches José Peña, inspected the Easter preparations at Poniente Beach.

Different departments and councils of Motril’s City Council, such as Maintenance, Beaches, and Urban Quality, are collaborating to ensure the entire coastline is ready for tourists during the Easter 2024 period, marking the beginning of the peak tourist season in the city.

Mayor García Chamorro anticipates a high influx of tourists during Easter, drawn by Motril’s attractions such as its wonderful climate and quality beaches. Thus, the maintenance tasks were deemed necessary to offer the best possible conditions for visitors.

Efforts are focused on enhancing the quality of Motril’s coastal areas, particularly at Poniente Beach and Playa Granada. Joint efforts are vital in achieving this objective, encompassing smoothing the beach areas, clearing surrounding vegetation, and general cleaning and maintenance by the Urban Quality Department.

Furthermore, beach modules located along the coast will be upgraded, repaired, and painted to be opened during Easter. These modules will operate under special hours, offering facilities such as bathrooms and support points from Holy Saturday, March 23, to Easter Sunday, March 31.

For Deputy Mayor Escámez, Easter represents a new challenge for Motril, given its recent focus on quality tourism, stressing the importance of coordinated efforts across various city departments to ensure Motril delivers the quality experience tourists deserve.

Deputy Mayor Peña underscores the necessity of these tasks, signaling the imminent start of the beach season in Motril with the arrival of good weather. He emphasizes the message that Motril’s beaches are ready for enjoyment following smoothing, clearing, and walkway installation.

Peña also mentions repairs following recent storms along the Granada coast, extending beyond beach maintenance to parking areas and other affected locations, ensuring Motril’s coastal areas are in optimal condition for visitors.

Mayor García Chamorro expresses gratitude to all departments involved in beach preparations, highlighting their dedication to ensuring Motril maintains its reputation for quality. She encourages everyone considering a visit to Motril during Easter not to miss the opportunity to experience unique days in the city.