The ‘Di no a las torres’ platform accuses Minister Paradela of lack of knowledge about energy projects in Granada


Members of the ‘Di no a las torres’ Platform have condemned the Minister of Industry, Energy, and Mines of the Andalusian Government, Jorge Paradela’s, alleged refusal to meet with them during a recent appearance in Granada. The delegation had planned to express their dissatisfaction over what they see as Paradela’s disregard for shared self-consumption.

According to Joaquín Terrón, a lawyer and spokesperson for the Platform, the minister spent the entire fifty-four minutes of his intervention praising himself. Furthermore, Juan Luis, another member of the platform, pointed out that the minister seems unaware of the number and nature of energy projects in Andalusia, contradicting statements made by President Bonilla.

Platform members have expressed their dissatisfaction, stating that Paradela is ignoring important projects and that his attitude is severely damaging to the province of Granada and parts of Almería.

For José, an engineer and member of the Platform, “these are the most important projects of the Andalusian Government, but the minister seems uninformed about them. Iberdrola does not develop wind projects in Granada, let alone in Caparacena,” he said, referring to a comment made by Paradela. “The minister has persisted in proposing wind turbines in Caparacena, when Caparacena lacks wind potential.”

On the other hand, the Platform has criticized Paradela’s alleged obsession with the Lecrín Valley, and his authorization of wind turbines in fire damaged areas, causing unrest among local residents. Additionally, they have claimed that construction of the 400 Kv substation in Antas (Ribina) has started without authorization.

Nuria, an active member of the Platform familiar with the area of the Los Guájares fire, said, “we will need a team of lawyers and journalists on staff, as well as two shifts of volunteers, each consisting of no fewer than ten people.” She also suggested that the ecological transition must involve ecology and collective self-consumption, which “could triple the production of energy needs calculated by Miteco.”

In summary, “Di no a las torres” Platform members believe that Paradela (picture) is not up to the task, and they accuse him of serving interests other than those of the community, promoting exploitation and extractivism instead of advocating for ecological transition and collective self-consumption.