Granada Celebrates Migrants’ Day with Workshops, Music, and Dance


Granada opens its arms to celebrate the richness of its cultural diversity in a day filled with music, art, and reflection. The Granada Network for Refuge and Welcome (RedGra), together with various migrant associations, is organizing this event to commemorate International Migrants’ Day. The gathering will take place next Saturday, December 14, from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m., at Plaza Hípica.

This year’s theme aims to highlight the diversity of people living in Granada. For this reason, the chosen venue is Zaidín, one of the city’s neighborhoods with the largest migrant population, and specifically Plaza Hípica, which offers a family-friendly environment with games for children and multiple activities for everyone.

Throughout the event, there will be workshops, a theater performance, dances, and music from around the world. Additionally, the organizations that make up RedGra will set up stands to provide information about the services they offer.

A reminder will be given about the current status of the “Regularización Ya” campaign, a popular legislative initiative (PLI) that has gathered over 700,000 signatures in support of a new regularization process for more than one million migrants. A space will be dedicated to discussing the European Pact on Migration and Asylum and its serious implications for asylum and human rights. Moreover, a call will be made for legal and safe migration pathways as the only effective alternatives to prevent deaths during migration journeys.

Above all, the event will celebrate migrant lives and their vital contributions to Granada’s society as a whole. It will emphasize that Granada is a welcoming land, built over centuries by people from diverse cultures and origins, and that diversity is not a threat but a wealth to be preserved. The organizers encourage everyone to spread the word and join in this festive day!


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