Interview with Loli Ortiz of `La calle mata´


CTTV: Hello. We’re here with Loli Ortiz, spokesperson for the platform La calle mata. Loli, tell us a bit about the situation that has brought you here to Plaza del Carmen.

Loli Ortiz: Well, you see, in Granada, there are about 300 people living on the streets. There are some resources, but not enough, and to top it off, three weeks ago they closed a centre that housed around 50 people, so there are more people on the streets. Since there has been no response from the City Council, we have decided to do something more noticeable. The same people who sleep every night in some corner come here to sleep, and the people in the community sensitive to this issue want to accompany them and sleep here.

CTTV: And what do you hope to achieve with actions like these?

Loli Ortiz: Look, here’s a girl on the street named Lorena. What do you hope for?

Lorena: Well, I hope they help us, give us a place to stay, and don’t marginalize us. I want them to know that there are many people living on the streets and that we are going through a very hard time.

CTTV: The last question: Who do you think is responsible for this situation and how can it be solved?

Lorena: The government.

Loli Ortiz: In this case, of course, we’re in Granada, so the politicians are responsible and the only ones who can solve this problem. And since the problem is homelessness, what fixes this situation is housing. That’s why we want them to make an effort to find housing that they can rent. It’s a right enshrined in the constitution and in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

CTTV: Well, thank you very much for your time.

Loli Ortiz: Thank you very much.