Fire in Lújar Wind Turbine Mobilizes Firefighters to Protect Nearby Cork Oak Forest


A fire in a wind turbine in Lújar, in the Costa Tropical region, has activated the Provincial Consortium firefighters in Motril and the Infoca Plan this Wednesday morning, due to the risk that explosions in the installation could spread to the nearby cork oak forest.

According to sources familiar with the operation, the explosion of the wind turbine caused particles to disperse towards the forest area, prompting the creation of a safety perimeter around the installation, which, being made of fiber, could collapse. Firefighters were mobilized to control the spread of the fire, which had completely consumed the inside of the turbine.

The Andalusian Emergency Service 112 received the alert at 8:25 AM, after a caller reported seeing smoke coming from the head of a wind turbine located on the upper part of Lújar mountain. Emergency services, including the Civil Guard and the company responsible for the turbine, were mobilized in response.

Infoca sources indicated that they remain on alert in case the wind turbine fire affects the nearby forest. The resources deployed include a group of forest firefighters, a water truck, and an environmental officer.

It is worth noting that this area suffered a devastating fire in July 2015, affecting the municipalities of Lújar, Rubite, Órgiva, Motril, and Vélez de Benaudalla, burning 2,147 hectares, of which 1,580 were forest areas, including valuable centennial cork oak forests and pine groves. Given this history, the swift and effective intervention of firefighters is crucial to prevent a similar disaster.